How to channel stress positively:
– Know what makes you feel stressed. Make a plan to remove them, diminish their negative effects or learn to live with them.
– Get to know your body’s stress signals. Learn to pay attention to what your body tells you.
– It’s a question of dealing with the cause of your stress signals, not just the symptoms.
– Control your breathing. It is impossible to breathe calmly and be very stressed at the same time.
– Relax your muscles. Choose a method you enjoy.
Use long-term stress control methods:
* establish good sleeping habits
* take small breaks in between activités
* exercise regularly
* eat properly – avoid becoming overweight
* organise your day so you can maintain control.
– Your personal quality is closely connected to your ethics: your moral sense or the way you treat other people.
– Your self-esteem is strengthened every time you demonstrate, in words, attitude and action, what you believe to be correct.
– Be loyal to the people in your life. Make sure they can trust you, count on you and have complete confidence in you.
What to do:
* Keep your promises – meet your deadlines.
* Talk to people not about them.
* Admit your mistakes. Don’t try to rationalize them or blame other people.
* Don’t spread rumors
* Don’t make disparaging remarks about people who are not present.
* Don’t criticize a person while other people are present.
* Don’t air disagreements with your family, friends etc. in public.
* Defend others against unreasonable attacks.
* Say what you believe.
* Don’t pretend other people’s ideas are your own. Base your progress on your own performance.
* Explain things openly and honestly. Don’t exaggerate. Don’t lie. Don’t try to hide things. Don’t keep things “secret”.
* Don’t postpone unpleasant decisions or bad news. Be kind, prompt and straightforward.
– When your AP level is high, you indirectly help raise the quality level of those around you.
– Fight mediocrity – both in yourself and in those around you.
– If you are not satisfied with the quality of something, say so. Bring the lack of quality to the person’s attention in a positive and constructive way. Make suggestions as how to improve the quality.
– Do the job and check the quality of what you’ve done.
– Get others to check their own work-then you won’t have to do it.
– Check your own work – then other’s won’t have to check you.
– You should always be able to say about your own work:
* I checked it
* The quality is OK
* I thought carefully about this assignment
* I did my best
* I’m proud of it
* And I’m proud to put my name on it.
– The children have the best chance of developing a high IP level in surroundings characterized by:
* love
* tolerance
* trust
* honesty
* openness
* clearly defined goals
* clearly defined limits
* consistency
* people with high AP levels.
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